High Req Fire Staff
I don't want Koosun offers or Rago's offers and keep your 100k req8 perfect rago replica's (or better) I just want a cheap starter staff for my lvl20 16fire req ele.
If you have this my IGN is Shadowcat Allie (my necromancer) just add it and PM me and tell me the stats and what not hell I'll take a talus chute raven staff req 10+ just dont PM me and say.
Okay this is the best staff you'll get with a high req 20k plz or something, the point of buying a high req weapon is to get it at a cheap price.... which is why I consider it a STARTER weapon.
I'll even take a low req modless (white) fire staff 11-22/12energy I don't care just something that will get me started I'll farm myself a rago's staff later I'm farmed out when it comes to Sorrow's Furnace/Final Assault.
Thanks ahead of time for your help, if you help ^^
Your prob wondering why I am just now becoming fire. I was silver armor tank works just fine beat the game with it easy just wanna be something funner fire souns fun. Air was okay but not enough defense so yeah... I think fire will be good.
Again my username is Shadowcat Allie and I'll take a modless 11-22/12energy fire or a high req raven staff (fire req) either would work just fine.